
植村 秀 -Shu Uemura-
1950年代、ハリウッドにてメイクアップアーティストとして活躍後、1965年アトリエを開設し、独自の美容哲学、理論を展開。1967年にジャパンメイクアップを設立、1982年にシュウウエムラ化粧品に社名変更し、世界的な人気を誇るコスメブランドを確立する。2002年に株式会社イムダインを創業。 2007年12月29日に逝去するまで、"女性の美しさのために"活動を続けた。
After working as a make-up artist in Hollywood in the 1950's, Shu Uemura established his atelier in 1965, and developed its own beauty philosophy and theory. Then,he established JAPAN MAKE-UP in 1967, and changed company name to Shu Uemura cosmetics in 1982. He created cosmetic brand with worldwide popularity. Established Immudyne Co.,Ltd in 2002. He continued his activities "for the beauty of women" until dying on 29th December 2007.

本多 伸吉 -Shinkichi Honda-
1977年 東京理科大学薬学部卒業。1982年 東京工業大学大学院 総合理工学研究科生命化学専攻卒業。理学博士、薬剤師。製薬企業で約20年間研究開発に携わり、株式会社イムダイン創業者である植村秀とも商品開発を通して親交を深める。 2002年に株式会社イムダインへ入社。入社時よりすべての商品開発に携わってきた。2008 年から社長を務め、2023 年春より現職。
1977 Graduated from Tokyo University of Science University of Pharmacy.
1982 Graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Comprehensive Science and Engineering and Life Chemistry major. Doctor of science, pharmacist.
He was involved in research and development for about 20 years at a pharmaceutical company, and deepened his friends through product development with founder, Shu Uemura .
In 2002 he joined Immudyne Co.,Ltd and engaged in all product development from entering the company to the present.
Served as president from 2008, assumed current position (Honorary Advisor) from spring 2023.

植村 浩 -Hiroshi Uemura-
Being granted the beauty philosophy of Shu Uemura, father, to plan, develop, manufacture, and sell several cosmetics brands. In spring, 2023, take over the presidency from Shinkichi Honda, leading expert in the development of supplements focusing on health and beauty, when he had assumed an honorary advisor.
After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University in 1985, worked at an advertising agency and resided in the United States (international educational exchange) before assumed the president of Shu Uemura Cosmetics. Since that time, Shinkichi Honda and he had deepened friendship each other and he participated in the establishment of Immudyne Co.,Ltd.

イムダインの由来は「IMMUNE(免疫)+ DYNAMISM(活力)」。
We believe the human body is designed to heal itself
and that immunity breeds beauty and health.
Immudyne helps reawaken the self-healing power
within for a sounder lifestyle of beauty.
Valuing substance over trend in the choice of our ingredients,
we take extra care in the selection, balance and compatibility in our blends.
Faithful to the basics of our craftsmanship
and with a dogged blacksmith spirit,
we continue to improve and fortify our products.
会社名 | 株式会社イムダイン |
所在地 | 【本社】地図はこちら 〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山5-7-17 青山小原ビル6F TEL: 03-5467-6284 FAX: 03-5467-6935 |
代表者 | 代表取締役社長 植村 浩 |
設立 | 平成14年9月10日 |
資本金 |
3千万円 |
決算期 | 3月 |
主要取引銀行 | 三菱UFJ銀行 青山支店 |
事業内容 |
栄養補助食品の製造、販売、輸出入 |
Immudyne Co.,Ltd | |
Headquarters: |
6F, Aoyama Ohara Bldg., 5-7-17 Minami-aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
Company Representative: | President and CEO Hiroshi Uemura |
Established: | September 10, 2002 |
Capital: | ¥30 million |
Correspondent bank: | Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ Aoyama Branch |
Overview of business operations: |
Production, sale, import, and export of health-supplement foods Development, sale, import, and export of the ingredients of health-supplement foods, etc. Consultation on health maintenance, improvement and management, Other related operations Main products: Health-supplement foods, health beneficial foods, etc. |